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Demystifying the Buzzwords of UX/UI Design

Consider this your crash course in UX/UI design terminology

UX/UI Design
3 minute read 

Are you new to the world of UX/UI design and feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the jargon flying around? Don't worry; you're not alone. In this article, we'll break down some of the most common buzzwords in the field and explain what they mean. Consider this your crash course in UX/UI design terminology.

User-Centred Design

User-centred design (UCD) is all about putting the user at the forefront of the design process. It means creating products and interfaces with the user's needs, preferences, and behaviours in mind. So, when you hear someone talk about UCD, they're emphasising the importance of designing with the end-user as the top priority.

Information Architecture

Information architecture (IA) is like the blueprint of a website or application. It's how content is organised, structured, and labelled to help users find what they need efficiently. Think of IA as the map that guides users through a digital space, making sure they don't get lost.


Wireframes are like the skeleton of a design. They're basic, low-fidelity representations of a webpage or app, showing the layout, structure, and placement of elements. Wireframes help designers plan the visual hierarchy and user flow before diving into the finer details.


Prototyping is the process of creating interactive, clickable versions of a design. These prototypes simulate how the final product will function, allowing designers to test and refine the user experience. It's like a sneak peek into how everything will work together.


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A/B Testing

A/B testing is a method to compare two versions of a webpage or app (A and B) to see which one performs better. It helps optimise design elements and content based on user behaviour and preferences. It's a data-driven way to make informed design decisions.


Accessibility (often abbreviated as "a11y") means designing products that can be used by people with disabilities. It involves creating interfaces that are perceivable, operable, and understandable for everyone, regardless of their abilities.


Gamification is the practice of adding game-like elements, such as rewards, challenges, and points, to non-gaming contexts like apps or websites. It's a way to engage users, encourage specific behaviours, and make experiences more enjoyable.

Responsive Design

Responsive design ensures that a website or app looks and works well on various devices and screen sizes. It involves flexible layouts and fluid grids that adapt to the user's screen, providing a seamless experience across platforms.

UX/UI Designer

A UX/UI designer is someone who specialises in both user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. They focus on creating products that are not only visually appealing (UI) but also user-friendly and enjoyable to interact with (UX).

Design Thinking

Design thinking is an approach that emphasises empathy, problem-solving, and creativity in the design process. It involves understanding users' needs, ideating solutions, prototyping, and iterating to arrive at innovative designs.

Now that you have a clearer understanding of these UX/UI design buzzwords, you'll be better equipped to navigate conversations in the field. Remember, the more you dive into the world of design, the more comfortable you'll become with the terminology.