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Three Essential Classes to Join on the New Memorisely Platform

These three classes will ignite your creativity and enhance your expertise

UX/UI Design
3 minute read 

Ready to level up your UX/UI design skills?  We're excited to bring you a range of classes to help you grow as a designer! It doesn’t matter whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting out; these three classes will ignite your creativity and enhance your expertise. From using the new Figma updates to exploring great UI! Let's dive in!

Mode-specific Semantic Aliasing with Figma Variables with Zander

In this class, taught by Zander, you'll uncover the power of mode-specific semantic aliasing with Figma Variables. Say goodbye to repetitive manual work! Learn how to reference colours within different collections, saving you valuable time and ensuring consistency across your designs. Zander will guide you through creating light and dark modes, and you'll witness how these aliases seamlessly integrate into your components. Get ready to take your design efficiency to a whole new level!

Create a Responsive UX/UI Portfolio in Framer with Zander

Ready to showcase your skills and impress potential clients or employers? Join Zander in this exciting class where you'll create a responsive UX/UI portfolio from scratch using Framer.

From defining your key styles to working with stacked layouts and building a series of components, you'll bring your portfolio to life across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Gain hands-on experience with styles, components, and layouts, and watch your portfolio shine!


UX/UI Design Bootcamp

12 weeks · part-time

Spend 12 weeks learning live from industry experts in a micro class. Learn-by-doing with practical case studies and publish your portfolio! 

Creating Airbnb UI Styles in Figma with Caro

Discover the secrets behind Airbnb's stunning UI styles in this captivating class led by the talented Caro. Dive deep into Figma as you learn to master Airbnb's colour palette, text styles, and grids. Unleash your creativity and take inspiration from one of the most renowned platforms in the industry.

By the end of the class, not only will you have a solid understanding of Airbnb's visual finesse, but you'll also have the skills to apply these techniques to your own design projects. Prepare to create interfaces that exude sophistication and captivate your audience!

Don't miss out on these learning opportunities! Whether you're aiming to enhance your existing skills or embark on a new design adventure, Memorisely has you covered. Join our platform today and unlock new UX/UI knowledge, creativity, and growth.